Vitamin C serums are mostly incorporated into the beauty regime because they not only light up our complexion but also safeguard our skin from harm and encourage the formation of collagen. There is a rule that all the best vitamin c serum for oily skin is the same, but their efficacy directly depends on your skin type. Oily skin is different from dry skin, and one has to make the right decision since the treatment of these skin types varies a lot and can do wonders to have a healthy face. When you know all the differences mentioned above, then you’ll be able to buy the ideal serum that will suit you best. Now, let’s look at the differences between Vitamin C serums for oily and dry skin types and which Vitamin C serum is best for me.

Vitamin c serum for oily skin being lightweight 

It is mostly characterized by overproduction of sebum, overactive sebaceous glands, enlarged pores, and occasional pimples. Applying the wrong skin care product may worsen these problems, thus the need to look for a vitamin c serum for oily skin. When it comes to oily skin, facial serums should be lightweight, non-greasy, and oil-free or non-comedogenic to prevent clogging of the skin pores.

The unadulterated form of Vitamin C, which is ascorbic acid, is particularly suitable for use on oily skin. This strong antioxidant is great for regulating the secretion of sebum, getting rid of scar tissue of pimples, and covering large pores well. Most serums intended for use on oily skin have other active ingredients, such as salicylic acid, which has exfoliating and pore-clearing properties, or niacinamide, which helps to reduce excess oil production and calm inflamed skin.

Currently, most Vitamin C serums developed for oily skin are water-based, meaning that once applied, they do not accrue on the skin’s surface, thereby giving your skin an oily/sheen appearance. They try to regulate oils on the skin while taking care of skin tone and producing enhanced glowing skin. These characteristics, when found in a serum, help keep your skin feeling as fresh and bright as it did in the morning when you applied the serum.

The skin is typically described as slick, without any visible flakes, and feeling tight in terms of texture, and consequently, hydration is a priority in dry skin. But for people with dry skin, a vitamin C serum should not only help in making the skin lighter but also give the skin what it requires. As for vitamin C, it is better to use sodium ascorbyl phosphate, which is much easier on the skin and great and suitable for dry skin types. This form is less likely to cause irritation, which makes it common to be used alongside ingredients that help in fighting dryness.

When selecting vitamin c serum for face, look for those containing hyaluronic acid, glycerin, or ceramides, as these keep skin moisturized and the skin barrier more robust. These serums turn into different forms—more of a sticky, creamy formula to ensure skin stays moisturized and even boost the skin’s elasticity and diminish fine lines.

Applying a facial serum meant for dry skin makes the facial skin feel smooth, full, and alive again. Besides, one more use of such serum is in making the skin look smooth for makeup or sun protection after its brightening and protective Vitamin C ingredient.

What you should avoid when preparing your food if you have oily and dry skin types

Despite the many uses of vitamin C, it is not readily compatible with other active ingredients most of the time. Some combinations are either irritating, less effective, or even damaging to the skin for both oily and dry skin.

  • Retinol

Retinol is a go-to when it comes to anti-aging products; in this case, though, it reacts poorly with vitamin C. The two may cause redness of the skin, peeling, and extreme sensitivity to the skin. It is advisable for Vitamin C to be used in the morning, accompanied by the use of retinol at night.

Benzoyl peroxide is a popular ingredient for acne products, but when applied with vitamin C, it loses its efficacy, and opposite effects occur, such as dryness or irritation.

  • Alcohol-Based Products

Oily skin should not be treated with heavy oils or comedogenic ingredients, which can lead to clogging of the skin pores and ensuing acne. However, dry skin types need to avoid alcohol-based products that mattify the skin by removing its natural oils, making the skin feel stretched.

If you pay keen attention to such ingredients, you will avoid causing additional skin issues and let your Vitamin C serum do its job.

How to Get the Most Benefits Out of Your Daily Habits

If you are going to make your vitamin C serum work for you as much as possible, you have to develop a skin care regimen that will work well with your skin. To oily-skinned people, the serum is best applied on cleaned and wet skin in the morning to reduce sebum secretion and also shield the skin from environmental influences. When used in the morning, you can apply it before your non-oily, water-based moisturizer, which is good for your skin.

In case of dry skin, the serum should be applied at nighttime because applying it at night and then applying a heavy moisturizer makes the skin soft and supple. It is especially beneficial in cases of very dry skin to apply facial oil over the moisturizer if you are using any.

Patience is important to witness change; it is something that needs to be practiced, so integrate Vitamin C serum into your skincare routine slowly. If you are new, try starting with a lesser concentration and gradually increasing that over time. And don’t forget sunscreen! In addition, vitamin C makes your skin more sensitive to the sun, so using sunscreen with an SPF of 50 or higher every morning is necessary to protect your skin and enhance the effects of the serum.


Know your skin type and start from there to find the best vitamin C facial serum for your skincare routine. Lightweight, non-greasy serums are helpful for oily skin as they control oil production and brighten up the skin. Hydrating and nourishing formulas will be perfect for dry skin so that it feels soft, plump, and glowing. If you want to explore something genuine and new, try Phyto-C products to meet the unique needs of different skin types.