Over the past two years, we have seen lash lifts become more popular than eyelash extensions. Customers are eager to learn about its long-term effects on their natural lashes. It is essential that lash artists understand what happens to the lashes during treatment so they can explain it to customers. This is particularly important if you work with high-end clients who value quality over price.

The composition of the range’s lifting lotion is what determines how severe it is for lashes. The working mechanism of all curling lotions is the same: the lotion penetrates the hair and breaks down the disulfide bond, which is then neutralized with the fixing cream. No matter what kind of curling lotion you use, the working mechanism remains the same.

It is the ingredient used to break down the bonds that make the difference. Ammonium thioglycolate is the main component that accomplishes this. Let’s take a closer look at these components.

Impact on Lashes

Ammonium thioglycolate, an alkaline salt that can dehydrate eyelashes, is just like all other salts. The curling stage can make a huge difference to the lashes’ appearance. It all depends on the composition of the salt. 

Cysteamine-based lifting solutions are so nourishing that it’s no longer a question of how harmful they are! They not only pamper your regular lashes but can also repair the structure of severely damaged (overprocessed) lashes only pamper your regular lashes but can also repair the structure of severely damaged (overprocessed) lashes. Cysteamine-based lifting solutions not only guarantee that customers won’t overprocess their lashes but also allow you to safely rescue lashes from being overprocessed by harsh lifting lotions. That’s pretty cool!

This post was written by Natali Roshau. Natali has over 10 years of experience as a lash artist and is the owner of Lash Addict Studio. Lash Addict Studio is famous for its eyelash extensions Seminole FL. In addition to being a lash artist, she also offers eyelash training certifying girls across the nation!